The Insiders

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"Terribly Unsexy, The Luchodore Killer" Scott Hill

Height: 6'6"
Weight: 255 pounds 
From: Miami, FL, NJ 
Finisher: The Insiders Edge 
Favorite Saying: "Ay yo" (ad infintium)

"Really Lazzzzzy" Devon Hash

Height: 7'
Weight: 323 pounds 
From: San Diego, CA, NJ 
Finisher: Lazzzzy Powerbomb 
Favorite Saying: "The Insiders are in the hizzouse!"

Incredibly, this tag team has had only two tag team matches. One of them was for the tag team titles against Justin Time. Usually, Scott Hill and Devon Hash sqauare off against each other at live events and before television tapings. We have no ideaa why.

Along with Bulk Fogan, the Insiders for the nWo Ghetto.

Bulk Fogan
nWo Ghetto
Style: I haven't the foggiest

Double Team Moves: Hell no