Bulk Fogan

"Santa Monica" Bulk Fogan

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Height: 6'7"
Weight: 277 pounds 
From: Santa Cruz, CA, NJ 
Finisher: The People's Legdrop 
Career Highlights: Short GbWo Presidential Stint 
Favorite Saying: "Yeaaaaaaah bruh!"

When the sounds of Jimi Hendrix blasts across GbWo Arena, and the crowd, all at once, goes to the bathroom, then you know "Santa Monica" is coming to the ring! He strums his weight belt, which is totally unuseful. The man hasn't lifted weights in at least 5 years. Still, through and through, he is faithful to the GbWo and his gimmick. He says he's always "gonna remain Santa Monica, bruh!" Gone are the days of "The Bulkster".

Bulk Fogan:
nWo Ghetto
Birthday: 1.15.50

Style: 70's Legdropper

Lazy Moves: Torture Rack, Boston Crab