The GbWo Presents: The Jose Estrada Memorial Show
Match 1: The Mortician vs. The Cardiac Killer
*In a match we saw at GbWo 3:16, The Mortician dominated for the most part. Then, 'Ane came down to the ring, and twiddled his fingers at The Mortician. Wackee Dee came beside him and did his wack dance. Is there a union between the two? TCK got up and put The Mortician at a small package while he was distracted by the two.
Winner: The Cardiac Killer (5:02)
Match 2: Bizmark Kamala vs. The Bandman in a God Damn Japan Barbed Wire Match
*Kamala was as stiff as ever, much like his older brother, the original Kamala. The Bandman beat the living shit out of the grass-eating jobber. The Bandman finished it with a side Russian leg sweep.
Winner: The Bandman (7:21)
Match 3: Light Heavyweight Championship on the line: Tuff Bagboy vs. Sacudir El Polvo
This was a show-stealer! It went back and forth between these two lightweights! Towards the end of the match, Tuff Bagboy thought he had the match with a moonsault from off the top rope, but Sacudir caught him. He then put him in the EL STUPIDO LOCO BOMB!! Sacudir started his asenine dance steps then went for EL MOVE. He missed it; Tuff Bagboy goes for THE BAGBUSTER. It was over.
Winner: Light Heavyweight Champion Tuff Bagboy (16:33)
Match 4: European Championship Match: Eddy "The Negro" Morrero vs. The Blue Genie
*This match was good, yet goofy. The Negro took time to celebrate after almost every move. The Blue Genie felt it was time to raise the roof even as he was getting pummeled. When the Blue Genie went 1001 Arabian Nights, Morrero countered with the Negro Buster.
Winner: European Champion Eddy "The Negro" Morrero (10:26)
Match 5: Tag Team Championship Match: The Pudley Boys vs. Malven and "High Fli" Malachi
*I'll give you complete play by play for this one. Tubba irish whips Malven into Slick Rick. Rick picks him up--3P!! Rick then picks "High Fli" up in a power bomb position in the corner. Tubba climbs the top turnbuckle. TUBBA BOMB!!
Winners: Tag Team Champions The Pudley Boys (0:37)
Match 6: Hardcore Championship Match: The Evil Iraqi vs. New-comer Hardcore Hangover
This was Hangover's first match! Hardcore Hangover showed he belonged in the same ring as The Iraqi. Towards the matches end, Hardcore Hangover missed cross body block from the aprin on to the outside. Hangover hit the post. The Evil Iraqi countered with a CARPET BOMB! The Evil Iraqi had the match, but out came Terra Rizing. He hits the NATO-BUSTER!! TEI was out. Hardcore Hangover covers him: 1..........2...........3!
Winner: New Hardcore Champion Hardcore Hangover (13:06)
Match 7: Heartbreak Motel (Pimp Daddy D and Triple X) vs. The Disciples
This was a back and forth see-saw, powerful match up. While Simmons was doubled over on the aprin, Triple X came off the top rope and hit the STAGESETTER (rockerdropper/fame-asser)! However, Staubach countered with a Clothesline from Down Under on Pimp Daddy D. Then, Staubach, picks PDD up for a power-bomb. However, he doesn't know Triple X is back in the ring. Triple X dropkicks Staubach's knee, causing him to fall, with PDD on top of him. PDD hooks his legs for the pin
Winners: Heartbreak
Motel (8:43)
Match 8: World
Championship Match: Hart Attack vs. The Clock
This was an epic battle,
going back and forth. This was everything you'd expect from the
superstars. The Clock way into the match hits a flying elbow from
the top rope! That may have been the 24 Hour Elbow!! After a slow
kickout by Hart Attack, The Clock irish whipped Hart Attack and
tried the Counter Clockwise bottom, but then Hart Attack, in a
nice display of chain wrestling, hits the CARDIAC ARREST! Before
he could get the win, out came Wildman Damn and The Evil Iraqi.
The three jumped The Clock, causing a disqualification. XXX and
PDD, then came out to ring side. They each climbed the top rope
and hit dual missle dropkicks on each Wildman Damn and The Evil
Iraqi. The Clock, then takes advantage of a fallen Hart Attack.
He snaps and applies the Sharpshooter!! We haven't seen this
Clock since the inception of the nWo Green and Black, several
months back! XXX finally gets The Clock off of him by applying
the STAGESETTER while he had the Sharpshooter applied. HBM
carried Hart Attack away from the ring. E-C-W tussled with each
other, per usual, after HBM left the ring.
Winner: Hart Attack via DQ (24:19)
Match 9: Jose Estrada Memorial Title Match: Wildman Damn vs. ??????
Wildman Damn came out and did mic work, talking about how god damned good he's been. He said that god damned title isn't worth anything to him and that he's retiring the damned belt in honor of Jose Estrada. WMD claimed Jose was the first WMD 7:30 victim, the first to ever be put in the Fucked Up Hall of Fame and that WMD himself really fucked up Jose's neck, not Edge of the WWF. WMD said he'll never defend the title until Jose is medically able to challenge him. Then, WMD proceeded to talk about how shitty God Damn Japan is. He, then, went backstage and put every single GDJ wrestler in the back in either the God Damninator or The Buzzer. The 7:30 victims were: Malven, "High Fli" Malachi, Fubu, The Bandman, Bizmark Kamala, Prince Alabala, El Candy and "Rock Hot" Steve Bostin. Now I can't wait to see the Fucked Up List!!
Winner and Premiere GbWo Ass Kicker: Wildman Damn (misc. minutes: misc. seconds)