"Mr. Showtime" Hart Attack

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Height: 6'
Weight: 234 pounds 
From: Calgary, Alberta, Canada, NJ 
Finisher: Cardiac Arrest 
Career Highlights: World Champion (current) 
Favorite Saying: "You are now under cardiac arrest!"

Hart Attack, dubbed Mr. Showtime, is the GbWo's premiere Canadian athlete. Hart Attack has been in the GbWo since it's inception, but has just recently come to the forefront.

Mr. Showtime suffered an injury at the tail end of 1998. This came at the hands of The Clock. Upon his return in March, he continued his headline feud with him, in a new angle. This time there were other parties involved: Wildman Damn, Triple X and Pimp Daddy D. All of this peaked at the 1999 GbWo 5:25. There, Hart Attack became World Champion in the Five Star World Championship match.

From there, he sided with Pimp Daddy D and Triple X to form Heartbreak Motel. HBM (for short) has been running through the GbWo at a rapid pace. Who knows where they can be years from now?

Hart Attack:
Heartbreak Motel
Pimp Daddy D
Triple X
Birthday: 6.21.75

Style: Arial/Technical