Fat Nigga

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Height: 6'1" 
Weight: 450 pounds 
From: Third Floor, North Clinton St, East Orange, NJ 
Finisher: Death From Above
Career Highlights: Yeah, right 
Favorite Saying: "You can't fool me!"

This dude is fat as hell. I'm telling the truth. Fat Nigga stinks, he's a bad wrestler, and has terrible gimmick. Let me take that back, this isn't a gimmick. This is his actual personality. His name comes from what he's called by a gang in his neighborhood (HHB). He's apart of The Mortician's up and coming faction, The Ministrada.

Fat Nigga:
The Ministrada
The Mortician
Birthday: 5.6.70

Style: Mad Booty

Other Booty Moves: Rolling spinning heel kick, clothesline in the corner